With yield predictions for the 2021 grain harvest at record levels in many parts of Australia, managing grain movements and contract delivery has never been more important.
Today's farming is highly data driven. Farming has many inputs that go into growing a successful crop, but the returns are hopefully larger than the sum of all of these. Harvest typically brings in the majority of a broadacre farm's income. To ensure this profit, farmers need a comprehensive understanding of their grain in storage and where they're tracking against contract commitments to make the most out of the season.

Lee, CoFounder of FarmSimple says, "I wouldn't run without a grain management solution, it's too important to have on paper. You need to know where you are in real-time, be in the driver’s seat to market and move your grain. FarmSimple is the “Cream of the Crop” of grain management solutions because it has so many other capabilities and features to track the whole cropping system. Lee goes on to say, "If you are going to digitise one part of your business, streamlining your commodity management
from paddock to contract is a no brainer. Ensure no loads are missed, no contracts are over committed and the on-farm team knows what's in storage at all times."
FarmSimple is the “Cream of the Crop” of grain management solutions because it has so many other capabilities and features to track the whole cropping system.

Accurate records and product traceability enables a clear product story. Today's consumers are demanding more of the supply chain to provide the history of products they purchase, as their appetite for paddock to plate continues to grow. FarmSimple enables Commodity Vendor Declarations to become a simple task when spray logs and fumigation records are all in the one system, the same place as grain movements and contracts.
If you are looking for a grain handling solution this harvest, visit https://www.croppaco.com/ to download a free trial.